═══ 1. About JumpEm ═══ The JumpEm game is an OS/2 version of the classic peg jumping game, sometimes call Dr. IQ. The purpose of the game is to jump over each peg, removing the one jumped over, until there is only a single peg remaining in the center square. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Give it a try and find out... Moves can be made using the mouse to drag and drop a peg into an empty square on the other side of the peg being jumped over. The peg that was jumped over will automatically be removed for you. ═══ 2. JumpEm rules ═══ o A jump can only be made horizontally or vertically o A jump can only be over a single peg o A jump must be into an empty square ═══ 3. File menu ═══ The functions on this menu are related to the creation, loading saving, and exiting the game. ═══ 4. New game ═══ Choosing this item will restore the board to the original starting configuration. ═══ 5. Load game ═══ Choosing this item will present a dialog box which allows you to select a previously saved game. Then it will restore the board to the state it was in when the game was saved. ═══ 6. Save game ═══ Choosing this item will present a dialog box which allows you to specify the name to use when saving the current game. You may specify a new name or overwrite a previously saved game. ═══ 7. Exit ═══ Choosing this item will exit the program. If you have made any moves in the current game, you will be given the chance to save it. ═══ 8. Score ═══ Choosing this item will count the number of pegs still left on the board and make a comment about your ability as a player of this game. Note that it does NOT check to see if you still have any legal moves left; that is done for you automatically after you complete each move. ═══ 9. Options ═══ The functions on this menu are related to the setup and playing options for the game. ═══ 10. Drop color on peg ═══ You may use the OS/2 color palette to select a color and drag it to the game in order to change its colors. If the color is dropped anywhere in the main window area but not on the game board, the background color will change to that color. If it is dropped anywhere on the game board itself, either the peg or the square will change color as described below. Choosing this item will toggle the check mark selection for whether dropping a color from the color palette will color the peg or the square. When it is checked, the pegs will change to the color being dropped. When it is not checked, the squares will change to this color. ═══ 11. Help Menu ═══ The choices on the Help pull-down provide the following: Help index Displays the index of the help menu. General Help Provides detailed information on using the JumpEm game. Keys Help Provides information about keys/mouse usage. Using Help Displays information about using the JumpEm game's help. ═══ 12. Using ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 13. General ═══ Use this choice to get general help for the program. General help provides general information about the JumpEm game. ═══ 14. Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 14.1. Key Assigments ═══ MOUSE The game is most easily used and played by using the mouse. Clicking the left mouse button on a menu item will cause that menu action to happen. Making a game move involves dragging and dropping the peg. This is accomplished by moving the pointer arrow over the peg you wish to move and then depressing and holding down the left mouse button. This will change the mouse pointer into a miniature picture of the game board, which is called an icon. While still holding down the left mouse button, move this icon over the empty square into which you wish to jump. Now release the mouse button and, if the move is legal, the peg will be placed in the empty square and the pointer will be returned to the arrow shape. GAME KEYS The keyboard can also be used for some of the game activities as listed below: Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs submenu or execut the function chosen Alt+Underlined letter Execute the function chosen immediately Esc or Del Either of these will cause the last move made to be undone. SYSTEM KEYS These keys can be used to leave the game (intact) and make use of some other OS/2 program/feature: Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List ═══ 15. Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 16. Information ═══ This dialog displays information about the application, such as version number and copyright notice. ═══ 17. Registration ═══ This product is NOT freeware. It is distributed under the ShareWare concept and depends upon registration fees in order to support its development. This concept urges you to give the entire set of program files to others to try before they buy. But if you find the program entertaining and use it, please send your $15 registration fee to: Larry R. Waibel 427 Haverford Road Ramona, Calif. 92065 Questions and technical support can also be addressed to the author via CompuServe ID 70441,1274...